A Nation of Filth

A Nation of Filth

Femi Abolade | July 24, 2017

Recent floodings in the Nation has revealed the dark side of our lifestyle. We are a Nation of filth and dirtiness, desecrating every available space, polluting every environmental media, without a sense of responsibility to the coming generation. Unsightly pictures of areas that were even thought of to be nice, sent vomit-inducing images to our brains, but I doubt if we have ever learnt our lessons.

From Aba to Abuja, Ibadan to Jos, Sokoto to Mowe, looking through the window of your car, all you see is heaps and heaps of refuse littering the major roads in Nigeria. It gets worse as you leave the state capitals and head towards the hinterlands. We have become a people with no sense of shame, no iota of responsibility, and no respect for our immediate environment.

In this part of the world, throwing thrash through the windows of our cars, or the public bus is no big deal. In fact, it is the norm. You see the so-called educated and learned individuals carry their wastes and dump it along the road and walk ways. Even in areas clearly marked with the 'Do not dump refuse here' sign. What a shame. A nation of filth!

For many citizens, our way of dealing with trash is to just 'throw it away' without considering where that 'away' is.

But thank God for the environment. It may take the trash for a long time without a sign of complain, but one day, just like we are experiencing now, it will return the favour. The picture of Surulere, Sango-Ota and a host of other highly density areas shows that you get what you sow into the environment. It is simply garbage in, garbage out. No story!


We can continue to blame the government from today till next millennium, that is no longer news anyway, but is the government really to blame here or a dirty, non-challant, sanctimonious, self-centred, and a disease-causing citizenry. Government (abstract anyway), is not without its own shortcomings and negligence, yes, we know that, but how patriotic are we to the environment?

Over a few days now, flooding induced by blocked drainages, bad town planning and poor building layouts had led to death of several Nigerians, loss of many valuable documents and properties worth millions of dollars. Who is loosing now? The government? Or the people?

Indeed if we continue this way, we would soon be sacked by the environment. If we fail to treat our environment right, God will not rise to our rescue when the environment is taking its pound of flesh. We must rise and become responsible citizens, with a sense expected of a rational human being.


What we need to do is simple. Change your KAB - Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior towards the environment. Develop a mindset of ownership. See the environment as your property that should be cared for and protected against abuse. You can start by doing the following:

#Don't throw your waste from inside the vehicle to the road.

#Don't throw your wastes inside the drainage, gutters, canals or waterways.

#Don't build your house along waterways or canals

#Provide waste bins in your house and vehicles

#Patronise waste collectors approved by the government.

#Don't keep quiet when you see others doing the above, it may come back to haunt you!

#Don't hesitate to teach your children these things, as it will make them responsible adults.

#Pack the dirts in the drains in front of your house, it's for your own good.

#Support government by paying your waste bills promptly.

#Reduce the amount of plastics you use daily. Reduce the amount of waste you generate.

#As much as possible, avoid 'disposables',  go for 'reusables'. Use the baskets instead of polybags.

#Give out what you don't need. Many will gladly take that which you feel is useless.

There is a need for change and that change must begin from YOU and ME! We must divorce ourselves from this lifestyle of rubbish and be redeemed from being a Nation of filth. We can do it, yes, we can. Our streets can be Clean and Green again.

God bless our land.


Feel free to share and tag everyone until we have for ourselves, an egalitarian society and environment we can all be proud of.

Femi Abolade is a Licensed EHO, Writer, Author and Public Speaker.
Whatsapp +23480 742 75257


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