The Goldmine called Solid Waste

The Goldmine called Solid Waste

Some weeks ago I listed some businesses that can be done as an enviroprenuer. One of such is Solid waste management. I am discussing this today because of the opportunity that has presented itself again to us as professionals.

Let's begin by asking ourselves what waste is. This is one of the simplest and also hardest questions to be asked, why? Your definition of waste depends on time and space, and several other factors.

But this is one of my best definition of waste:

Waste is what is left after a material has served its original purpose.

Like I mentioned earlier, the definition of waste depends on time and space. Solid waste therefore is that waste that is not free flowing, can either be combustible or noncombustible such as papers, polythene, wood, garbage, glass, clothes, construction wastes etc.

We are not going into rhetorics today but a practical way of generating wealth as an EHO. One of the surest way of establishing yourself is waste collection and disposal.

There is no doubt that one of the greatest challenge being faced by our towns and cities is the indiscriminate disposal of solid waste along the roads, water courses, streets and public squares. Everywhere you turn, you see heaps of refuse oozing foul odour and emitting smoke.

Young Sanitarians can leverage upon this situation. I can confidently say that citizens really need this service of waste collection and disposal. It is high time we roll our sleeves and bend down to work.

For example, Ogun state government through the Ogun State Environmental Protection Agency (OGEPA) is partnering with WES Department of the Local Government in fashioning out waste collection model. Private collectors are being encouraged to come in.

What then are you waiting for?

This is your opportunity to get real into the business. If you are interested in getting into the waste collection business, you can reach me via WhatsApp.

Next week I will be having a free seminar on waste collection and disposal on WHATSAPP. Let's know if you are interested. Don't conclude that it is not possible or that you can't finance it. All things are possible to him who believes.

Femi Abolade, is a icensed EHO, Writer, author and public speaker
+234 8074275257


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