Enviropreneurship: The Future Starts Here

Enviropreneurship: The Future Starts Here

Few days ago, the discussion about Enviropreneurship began on this blog. Interestingly, so many reactions have trailed that piece, especially on facebook.

If you haven't read it, I will encourage you to do so. Here is the link to the insightful article:


Enviropreneurship as we have come to understand is the entrepreneurship part of environment health. Turning this profession into a profitable business which generates income, solves problems and add value.

Enviropreneurship, is not for everyone even though it is meant for every one. By everyone here, I mean Environmental health practitioners whether in training, graduate unemployed, underemployed or fully employed.

It is meant for everyone because everyone can be an enviropreneur. The sky is so wide for the bird to fly without colliding on one another. That is why even those who have nothing to do with environmental health struggle to be part of it. Medical officers, Nurses, Pharmacists, Veterinary doctors, Accountants, etc all struggle to engage in environmental health services.

Enviropreneurship is not meant however for the lazy, faint-hearted, pessimist, coward, those who cannot think outside the box and the impatient. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a tap for free money. Unfortunately, many students, graduates and environmental health practitioners came into the profession with a pre-configured mindset.

Yet, know for a certainty that the future starts here and now.

If you wish to venture into the rewarding experience of enviropreneurship, these are few things that you must always have in mind.

1. Be ready to change your mindset.
Your mind is where everything begins. For some, it is impossible while for others, all things are possible. So reset your mindset. You too can become an employer of labour rather than waiting endlessly for a job which may tarry in coming.


2. Be ready to solve problems
entrepreneurship is not just about making money but solving people's problems and adding values to their lives. So you can start asking yourself, what problem can I solve? How can I add value to other people's lives? How can I be of help to people? The moment you can answer these questions, your path to greatness is established.

3. Be ready to work
Nothing good comes easy, so says the wise men. Enviropreneurship is a task that requires hard work, persistence, dedication and real tenacity. No one will hand over their money to you on a platter of gold, you must be ready to work for it.

4. Be ready to Sacrifice
Your sedentary lifestyle, flamboyance, expensive gadgets like phones, bags, shoes, etc, feeding habit, among others are some of the things you may have to sacrifice for the time being. Cash to begin Your own business may not be readily available so, these gadgets and lifestyle can be done away with.

5. Be ready to Collaborate


To "collabo" is not only a lexicon of the music artists. For the sake of finance, you must be willing to work with others in the same field. Here I mean people who share your dreams, thoughts and aspirations in enviropreneurship. Sometimes, going solo may not get you what you really want in success.

Soon, we will look at areas of interest in enviropreneurship, and I bet you will grab it with both hands.

Femi Abolade is a licensed EHO, writer, author and public speaker.

Whatsapp 08074275257


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