Businesses you can Do in Environmental Health in Nigeria.

Businesses you can Do in Environmental Health in Nigeria.

There are several businesses that you can start in Nigeria as an Environmental Health Officer. Yes, you heard me right. Today I will just list a few of them and explain very briefly. Later I am trusting God for time to send a complete tutorial on how to start and manage these ventures.

Let me also add that many of these enviropreneural ventures, even though are cost effective, can be done by you, I mean you, with the little or nothing that you have. The major tools you need are self determination, strong will, refusal to listen to discouraging voices, patience and persistence.

Remember my little story about enviropreneurship? You can read it up here...

Ok! Back to business.

The following are money making ventures:

1. Fumigation
Your suspicion is correct. I am sure, you assumed that will be the first on the list, and you weren't disappointed. Almost all Environmental health student have heard about it. Many are making money in this business most especially, the quacks, so why not you?

2. Collection and Disposal of Refuse
That's true! This has so many varieties. Waste is inevitable, and people wants to get rid of it by all means. You can be their means of achieving that.

3. Evacuation of Septic Tank
Sanitarians who go out often on inspection can attest that many homes seek this service on a daily basis. Schools, hostels, hotels, restaurants, companies and a host of other premises require these services every time. They are waiting for you to solve their problems.

4. Waste Recycling
Indeed a dirty job, but a highly financial rewarding one. Plastics, nylons, aluminium foil, used and spoilt batteries, iron etc are what the dirty scavengers gather up to make millions.

5. Mortuary Services
Death is inevitable. Man is mortal by nature. In some climes, dead bodies need to be embalmed. Are you seeing what I am seeing? Or are we not the personnel responsible for removing paupers from the public space? If we can do that, what stops us from solving the problem of caring for the dead?

6. Training
Knowledge is expensive and those who need it have to pay for it. Schools, organizations and groups are ready to pay for knowledge they need. All you have to do is be versatile and know your area of strength.

7. Environmental Journalism
Today's world is filled with unlimited opportunities to share information and profit from it. That is part of what I am doing. Environmental news is still a virgin area waiting for exploitation.

8. Environmental Health Laboratory
A laboratory that does simple analysis of environmental media. It is not a common sight. In fact, we don't have any in Ogun State.

Let me stop here for a while. Before you conclude that the above listed is not possible and before you start insulting me (I know many of the unemployed and even employed EHOs will do that), please endeavor to use your God-given brain.

Your questions, suggestions, comments and criticism are welcome. And please feel free to let me know which of all these should I discuss in details first.

Have a splendid and fulfilling day ahead.

Femi Abolade, licensed EHO, Writer, author and public speaker
+234 8074275257


  1. Infact you're a genius in the field of Environmental Health, I think this type of ideas should be propagated by EHORECON at our seminars and thematic meetings such wonderful ideas should be given to colleagues. Thanks and God bless your wisdom

    1. Thank you Matthew Agannanoh, for the encouraging words. By God's grace, I wish to do more and be guided by your likes. Together we can achieve more.

    2. Thank you Matthew Agannanoh, for the encouraging words. By God's grace, I wish to do more and be guided by your likes. Together we can achieve more.

  2. Thanks so much for this post sir, I'm interested in knowing more on what is done in environmental health laboratory sir.


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