The Fear Factor Inhibiting Environmental Health Growth.


The Fear Factor Inhibiting Environmental Health Growth.

Have you ever been afraid?
Oh! What a silly question. That's like asking if you ever fart in the public before, often times. One major issue that affects both young and old, male and female, friends and foes alike is fear.

Fear has been described by some psychologists as False Expectations Appearing Real. Others have termed it "Flee Everything And Run". Whatever definition we give to it, fear is a factor of the mind. A rush of emotions which raises, often times, self-consciousness and a feeling of inability.

Just as fear affects everyone, it is also an albatross of the Environmental Health Profession.

People fear for various reasons and various things. Some people are afraid of failure while some are afraid of success. While some have the fear of rejection, others have the fear of ready acceptance.

Why is fear such an issue in the profession? Many people do certain things or fails to do because of fear. For example, some EHOs will refrain from serving AN in a particular building because of the fear of the owner who, probably is a lawyer. Some HODs are so afraid of politicians so much that they become pawn in their hands.

Some young EHOs are so filled with inferiority complex that they can no longer have any impact on the society. Some Directors are so fearful of trying out new things so much that they have become irrelevant and archaic.

Interestingly, some Officers are so afraid of poverty that they can do anything to get money from the public. They do not mind selling off the profession and their conscience. Some are afraid of death that they prefer to stay in their offices, waiting for the monthly pay.

Even the graduate EHOs are afraid of starting out small businesses in the profession. They prefer to stay as "ECOMOG" even where they are not valued and are abused. For some, they are so afraid of suffering now so as to enjoy tomorrow.

But how do we overcome this fear? By confronting it says psychologists. Face your fears and you are already halfway through the battle.

Stand your ground, develop yourself, start small with what you have, and be ready to die for that which you believe in. It is a common saying that if you stand up for nothing, you will fall for anything.

Some people even after reading this article will be afraid to comment, so they won't be criticized or abused. Well, I have gone past that level of being afraid of criticism. Feel free to comment and pass out criticism, though I have my fears too.

Femi Abolade, licensed EHO, Writer, author and public speaker
+234 8074275257


  1. False Experience Appearing Real, stop the FEAR and start something today.

  2. Thank you Unknown, we must face our fears with faith and victory is assured.

  3. Thank you Unknown, we must face our fears with faith and victory is assured.


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